Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Define Old Masters


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. An Old Master is someone who usually does not find his success until the later years of his career. He/ She is usually training or perfecting his technique to reach his/ her own personal accomplishment. Unlike the snappy upstart of the Young Genius, this style of artist takes the long hard road to success. An example of this type of artist is Gustav Klimt, for which his "golden style"* was not perfected until later within his lifetime.

    * phrase from Stokstad

  3. A distinguished member of the traditional school of thought at the time. This individual has labored tirelessly to achieve his level of success, and studied under numerous teachers, learning each style. Through his studies, this artist has developed his own flare and is revered among his peers.

  4. Good comments above. A follow up question might be: Is it possible for an artist to transition from young genius to old master?
